Noted Pan-Africanist Dr. Umar Johnson made recent appearances on the popular hip hop radio show The Breakfast Club and The Roland Martin Show on News One, and followed up with another interview on We the Gods Podcast. Between these three interviews Dr. Umar Johnson espoused a number of controversial views including a condemnation of Interracial Marriage. Over the course of a two part Tru-ID Episode, Scott Lane will engage these ideas and present logical and biblical responses to Dr. Umar's perspective on politics/social justice issues (Part 1) and interracial marriage (Part 2).
Part 2:
-Contradictions within Dr. Umar Johnson's Pan-Africanism
-Exploring Dr. Johnson's erroneous concept of identity
-Is there anything wrong with interracial marriage?
-Exploring ways that a Christian can approach race and the question of interracial marriage.