In our previous show I provided my initial thoughts after having watched the recently released movie about Carlton Pearson entitled, "Come Sunday". Now it's time for us to get down to business of addressing his specific heretical claims and giving tips as to how we might go about helping someone like Pearson to think through difficult questions and challenge heretical ideas with logic and sound biblical teaching.
In the same way that a viral infection left untreated can lead to serious physical consequences, erroneous ideas can infect our minds and hearts in such a way that we find ourselves unable to walk rightly with God. For that reason, we must keep our hearts with all diligence (Proverbs 4:23) as we contend against lies that are circulating in society and causing people to stumble. So Let's get it!!!
Special Note: Please excuse the audio flubbs at the end. I was attempting to make a final comment on the show while rocking my one year old son to sleep which turned out to be a lot harder to do than I thought. I think he managed to get in a split second cameo at the end. LOL Anyway Love y'all man...Enjoy
Key Topics:
Identifying false conceptions of God
Tracing the experiences and ideas that led to Pearson embracing heresy.
Addressing Pearson's claim that there is no hell and that Earth/this life is Hell.